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WORKSHOP: Synergies among EU programmes and cohesion policies in the Bioeconomy and Blue Economy domains: sharing information for co-designing more effective funds synergies.

DATE AND VENUE: Presidency of Council of Ministers, Rome  - January 24, 2023 (14.30-18.30)

ORGANIZERS: The “National Bioeconomy Coordination Board” of the National Committee of Biosafety, Biotechnology and Life Sciences of the Italian Presidency of Council of Ministers and the European Commission, DG RTD, Directorate Healthy Planet.

14.30 Welcome

Andrea Lenzi, President of the “Biosafety, Biotechnology and Life Sciences National Committee” (CNBBSV)

14.50 HE and other EU instruments sustaining innovation and need for synergies

Chair: Fabio Fava, “National Bioeconomy Coordination Board”, CNBBSV, Italian Presidency of Council of Ministers

14.55 Sustainable bio and blue economy in the frame of the HE and Cluster 6.

John Bell, Director, European Commission (DG RTD).

15.10 Synergies among HE and cohesion policies: opportunities, successful examples and actions for promoting them.

Magda De Carli, Head of Unit & Deputy Director, European Commission (DG RTD)

15.25 The HE Missions and in particular the one Restore our Ocean and wasters by 2030 as landscape boosting synergies among HE and the territories.

Elisabetta Balzi, Head of Unit, European Commission (DG RTD).

15.40. Fund synergies implemented in the frame of the WESTMED and EUSAIR initiatives.

Marco Doglia, Italian Presidency of Council of Ministers.

15.55. Questions and answers

16.00 Round table: Successful examples of synergies among Horizon2020/BBI JU and structural funds implemented by Regions and tools and actions for intensifying them.

Chair: Raffaele Liberali, MUR Minister’s Counsellor for EU affairs and former Regional Minister

Participants: Nicola Caputo (Regional Minister of Campania); Stefano Zannier (Regional Minister of Friuli Venezia Giulia); Morena Diazzi (Director General, Emilia Romagna Region); Tiziana Dell’Olmo (Head of Sector, Piemonte Region).

17.15 The NCP role in supporting the synergies among EU and structural funds

Serena Borgna, Head of Institutional Department, APRE

17.30 Discussion also with the contribution of Pasquale D'Alessandro, DG Regional and Urban Policy, European Commission.


Fabio Fava and Andrea Lenzi

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