The composition of the Committee according to dPCM 3 June 2024


Andrea LENZI - Professor of Endocrinology, University “La Sapienza”, Rome


a) Experts in specific professional skills, according to art. 40/c.2, Law 19 february 1992 n. 142

Microbiology Paolo VISCA, Professor of General Microbiology, University "Roma Tre"
Molecular Biology Mauro MAGNANI, Professor of Biochemistry, University of Urbino
Molecular Genetics

Luigi NALDINI, Professor of Histology and Gene Therapy, University "Vita - Salute" San Raffaele of Milan


Riccarda ANTIOCHIA, Professor of Analytical Chemistry, University "La Sapienza", Rome (member of the Executive Board)


Agronomy Piero Angelo MORANDINI, Professor of Plant Physiology, University of Milan
Pharmacology  Ferdinando NICOLETTI, Professor of Pharmacology, University "La Sapienza", Rome  
Hygiene Roberta SILIQUINI, Professor of General and Applied Hygiene, University of Turin (member of the Executive Board)

b. experts in specific professional skills... (see the complete wording reported on the above mentioned dPCM 3 June 2024):

Carlo CALTAGIRONE, Scientific Director of IRCCS Santa Lucia Foundation
Angela DI BALDASSARREProfessor of Human Anatomy, University of Studies of Chieti - Pescara "G. D'Annunzio" (member of the Executive Board)
Lorenzo Maria DONINIProfessor of Food Science, University "La Sapienza" of Rome
Fabio FAVA, Professor of Industrial & Environmental Biotechnology, University of Bologna "Alma Mater Studiorum" 
Marco GOBBETTI, Professor of  Agricultural Microbiology, University of Bolzano
Giulio MAIRA, Professor in Neurosurgery, Clinical Institute "Humanitas" of Milan  
Cinzia PAPADIAConsultant in Gastroenterology, Barts Health Trust, London - UK, Queen Mary University of London 
Chiara SPINATO, Staff Leader, UNESCO Chair "Urban Health" (member of the Executive Board)

c. experts in specific professional skills according to the artt. 15 and 16 of Law n. 85/2009 (see the complete wording reported on the above mentioned dPCM 3 June 2024)

Paolo GASPARINI, Professor of Medical Genetics, University of Trieste
Maurizio GENUARDI, Professor of Medical Genetics, Sacred Hearth Catholic University - Rome
Paola GRAMMATICO, Professor Medical Genetics, University "La Sapienza" of Rome (Vicar of the President)
Giuseppe NOVELLI, Professor of Medical Genetics, University "Tor Vergata" of Rome 


  • The Executive Board is composed by Prof. Andrea Lenzi (President), by Prof. Riccarda ANTIOCHIA, by Prof. Angela DI BALDASSARRE, by Prof. Roberta SILIQUINI and by Dr. Chiara SPINATO. 
  • Prof. Paola GRAMMATICO is Vicar of the President.
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